
  • May Streetwear Keep You Forever Young

    One of Mikhail Bortnik's passions turned into something more than another collection piled high in his apartment, and that was streetwear. Why streetwear? Maybe because to Mikhail, as he later told me, it represented “being 16 forever, a permanent...

  • Stoner Fashion Decisions

    Fashion week happens year round in major cities around the world, but in New York, it doesn’t just happen. It descends upon us. During these times, I avoid the hoopla of celebrity DJs and promotional vodka for the simpler pastime of getting rip-roaring...

  • Magical Spy Sneakers

    It’s a bit of a wonder that communism hasn’t fallen to its knees, screaming, “You win!” at Nike. Since 2006, the company has implanted tracking sensors into its line of Nike+ sneakers, a practice you would think certainly has political implications.