This story is over 5 years old.


It's the It's Actually Quite Weird Issue!

Do you assholes realize that we have been putting out this magazine every 30 days for something like 40 years now? Here's another one.

Do you assholes realize that we have been putting out this magazine every 30 days for something like 40 years now? It's true, and today we are launching the new issue, which will serve as our shining beacon of light through the next dark 30 days. When you first pick up the It's Actually Quite Weird issue you'll notice two zombie-esque Asian ladies staring blankly at you with white eyeballs. Don't worry! That's just our pals Maggie Lee and Sandy Kim, who star in a shoot called "Pretty Kool-A." It's based on Japanese purikuras, the super-fun sticker photo booth thingamajigs.


As you may have noticed, we've decided to start feeding you the new issues one piece at a time instead of turning you loose on a giant buffet of great words and pictures all at once. This month, we're getting the ball rolling with a disco party at a German mental hospital, a fashion spread based on old Richard Avedon shoots by Aliya Naumoff, and a small sect of Iraqi Muslims who like to demonstrate God's healing powers by stabbing themselves in the face, among other places.

As always, we'll be peppering the homepage with a new article every day from now until the beginning of June. If you can't wait that long or don't like computers, try your luck at snagging an actual copy of the mag at one of these nice places.