
  • Clowns Without Borders Go Into War Zones Armed Only with a Smile

    In July 1993, a clown from Barcelona named Tortell Poltrona traveled to war-torn Croatia to do his act at a refugee camp. The overwhelming reaction he received from that trip inspired him to found Clowns Without Borders, an organization devoted to...

  • Fred Sasaki's Sticker Proposal for the City of Chicago

    The following correspondence is from a manuscript of emails titled "Letters of Interest," by Fred Sasaki. Subjects arise from spam and angst, anger and absurdity, frustration and fuckall—Eros and Thanatos from inbox to inbox. Enter to witness non...

  • How I Faked Obama's Kenyan Birth

    I am Nimrod Kamer, aka Peter Rehnquist, the creator of the "real" 'Obama Kenya Birth 2012' film. I am happy to present to you the behind-the-scenes making-of footage of the birthing-video hoax.
