Volume 16 Issue 2

  • Snap Happy

    New York artist Jamie Livingston took a Polaroid photograph every day of his life for 18 years, between 1979 and 1997, with a Polaroid SX-70 camera. He called the project “Photo of the Day."

  • The River Styx Is Full of Booze

    Photographer Casper Dalhoff recently spent some time in a Copenhagen institution for chronic alcoholics.

  • Freak Scene

    You will almost certainly have seen images from the Burns Archive, most likely in books such as Death Scenes. But the archive of Dr. Stanley Burns covers far more than forensics and violence.

  • Body Farm

    Dr. Bill Bass has twice the energy of a man half his age and possesses a warm, welcoming demeanor—not what one might expect from someone whose life’s work is dedicated to the study of rotting corpses.

  • Dickless Wonders

    India’s proud community of boys who would rather be girls has officially breached the half-million mark, and we wish we could hug every one of these crazy, lovable, mixed-up bastards.

  • Nothing To Do

    On the Falinge estate in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, over 75 percent of the residents of working age are on benefits.
