Vice Fashion – Collingwood High

Photographer: Ali McCann
Makeup: Shae Raeside from Sweet Caroline & Hannah Marshall
Stylist: Eva Podsiadlowski

From left to right. Top row: Jonny wears Le Coq Sportif sneakers, Krew jeans, Fly knit, Yandell wears Vans sneakers, Diesel jeans, Buddhist Punk jacket, Timesy wears Bathing Ape sneakers, Wrangler jeans, Schwipe knit, Frank wears Medium sneakers, Atlantis jeans, Teenage Millionaire t-shirt and Goorin trucker, Lucky wears Levi’s jeans, Autonomy blazer, his own shoes, Aaron wears Vision Street Wear sneakers, Autonomy jeans, Stussy t-shirt, FCUK jacket, AM Eyewear sunglasses, Matt wears Puma sneakers, Levi’s and Loreak Mendian hooded knit, Vikki wears Puma sneakers, Autonomy jeans, Mossimo tank, Minus Ung hoodie, Luzena wears Levi’s, White Suede t-shirt, Nookie suit jacket. Middle row; Caroline wears Pony sneakers, Fornarina jeans, Schwipe knit, dorgi scarf, Kyoko wears Converse sneakers, Ezekiel skirt, Baubridge & Kay shirt and tie, Nick wears e’s sneakers, Levi’s, Black Flag t and Mission 6 hoodie, Lisa wears Converse sneakers, Nike socks, Levi’s Red Tab skirt, Mavi t, Buddhist Punk jacket, Tales and Love ‘Regal’ necklace, Emma wears Vision Street Wear high tops, White Suede skirt, her own jacket, Nikki wears K-Swiss sneakers, Lee jeans, White Suede knit, Zoo York jacket. Bottom row. Eva wears Adidas high tops, Nookie dress and Riley vest, Joel wears Vision Street Wear sneakers, Levi’s, Master of Disaster t, Freshjive jacket.

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From left to right: Coach wears Reebok track pants, Nike track top, Nike sneakers; Sebastian wears Nookie skirt, Puma polo, Adidas sneakers and sweat band, Nike socks; Peter wears his own shorts, Le Coq Sportif top, Adidas sneakers and sweat band; Jonny wears Le Coq Sportif shorts and visa, Marshal Artist t-shirt, Adidas socks and sweat band and Pony sneakers, Heath wears his own shorts, Nike t-shirt and socks, Vision Street Wear high tops.

Frank wears Le Coq Sportif polo top.

Mardi wears Baubridge & Kay shirt and tie.

Frank wears Medium sneakers, Levi’s, Schwipe t-shirt, Monix jacket, Jesse wears Vision Street Wear sneakers, Levi’s, Nique t-shirt, Nick wears e’s sneakers, Levi’s, Black Flag t and Mission 6 hoodie, Joel wears Vision Street Wear sneakers, Levi’s, Master of Disaster t, Freshjive jacket, Luzena waers Levi’s, White Suede t-shirt, Nookie suit jacket, Yandell wears Vans sneakers, Diesel jeans, Buddhist Punk jacket, Timesy wears Bathing Ape sneakers, Wrangler jeans, Adidas jumper, his own army jacket, Liz wears Vision sneakers, Zoo York socks, Grab skirt, Boxfresh polo, Misty wears Nookie skirt and t-shirt, Lucky wears his own shoes, Levi’s, Nirvana t and Boxfresh Jacket.

Kyoko wears Converse sneakers, stylists leg warmers, Ezekiel skirt, Baubridge & Kay shirt and tie.

Joel wears Vision Street Wear sneakers, Levi’s, Master of Disaster t, Freshjive jacket and Stussy backpack, Nick wears e’s sneakers, Levi’s, Black Flag t and Mission 6 hoodie.

Emma wears Vision Street Wear high tops, White Suede skirt, her own jacket, Timesy wears Bathing Ape sneakers, Wrangler jeans, Schwipe knit.