Stream Furtherset’s Gorgeously Experimental ‘No Logic No Death’

Photo by Alessandro Biscarini

The Italian music scene, lately, has been focusing more on interesting electronic music production. One of the most talented young Italian electronic musicians is Furtherset, in his twenties and from a village in central Italy, where there is little to do for a hyperactive and anxious individual. By the age of sixteen, Furtherset began producing a staggering number of EPs (see his Soundcloud), two LPs, and will play in the Red Bull Music Academy Paris.

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Today we present his third full-length, No Logic No Death, who comes to the White Forest Records label. The sound of Furtherset was born in the wake of Fennesz, but in this LP approaches the work of Holly Herndon and Katie Gately. Influences show too, as with his recent obsession with Jim O’Rourke, a master of walking the line between experimental music and linear.

The title — No Logic No Death — is kind of a “mantra” I repeated myself over and over to avoid disastrous and self-harming way of thinking.
I did all the artworks for the album myself. This was a natural choice because I usually try to draw my feelings, my anxieties, my fears — drawings expand and express my music (and vice-versa).
The main instrument used for all the album is actually my voice. I’m really into Holly Herndon and Katie Gatelty’s researches on body music, and of course seminal Paul Lansky works too. This choice of using mostly my voice it can be placed in a kind of research I’m trying to keep in my music, that is about a sort of “physical” impact I want to give to it, looking for a kind of “embodiment” in music. Using my voice is a way to superimpose, overlap, me and my music, and becoming the same thing, to express myself at best.

Stream the album below:

You can pre-order the album at this link.

Follow Furtherset on Facebook, Soundcloud and Twitter