Hammered Hasids

Hey, in case you missed it, Sunday was Purim. That’s the day that Jews of all stripes (just kidding, I know that’s just a virulent anti-semitic myth) dress up as cows and religious figures most goys have never heard of and get tanked on Manischewitz and Schnapps. Lots and lots of Schnapps.

The deal with Purim can be traced back to Persia and a royal asshole named Haman. Haman was King Ahasuerus’ vizier, and he told the king that the Jews had no regard for the king or his laws, and erego they should be wiped off the ethnic map. The king told Haman he could do whatever the shit he wanted with the Jews for all he fucking cared, until his wife, Esther, told him she was Jewish. The King was understandably pissed at Haman, and decided to hang him in the gallow that he (Haman) had built for Mordechai, a Jew who had pissed off Haman in the past and initially sparked Haman’s hatred for the Jews in general.

Videos by VICE

This year, God celebrated Purim by trying to kill Snooki and Vinny with a dagger of glass, and the Hasids of South Williamsburg celebrated Purim by taking their mirth to the streets. Here are my favorite costumes I saw.

Hasidic Al Jolson.

Hasidic Robert E. Lee.

Hasidic Gordon’s Fisherman.

Hasidic Transgender Minnie Mouse and Hasidic Hasidic Man.

Hasidic Beer Glass Wearing A Beer Glass As a Hat (And Also His Glasses Are Both Beer Glasses)

Hasidic Party Bus, blaring klezmer music from the roof speakers at window-rattling decibels.

Hasidic Weird-Al Traffic Cop.

(PS: I’d be surprised if this guy is still alive. He was running around the center of the road in a 10-foot circle and jumping in front of passing cars. Anytime a car would stop he would ask them if he could bum a cigarette.)

Mazel Tov!