Vice Pictures – Your Logo Here (and Here, And Here, And Here) Af Deanna Templeton juli 31, 2007, 8:00pm Del X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard You can see the full series in Deanna’s new book , published by PAMBooks Australia. You can get it at Click on pictures to enlarge Videos by VICE Merefra VICE From Cartridge To Club: A Look At The Labels That Recontextualise Video Game Music 16.11.15 Af Sam Eckhardt Yes, Someone Could Be Watching Your Every Move Through Your MacBook’s Camera Right Now 08.10.15 Af Drew Millard We Asked Foreign VICE Offices What They Think Of Malcolm Turnbull 15.09.15 Af VICE Australia Calling Bullshit On the Anti-Refugee Memes Flooding the Internet 10.09.15 Af Philip Kleinfeld