An Idiot Homophobe Made the Mistake of Attacking a Gay Couple Who Trained at a Military Academy

The couple at their wedding (via Instagram)

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A militarily-trained gay couple in New York have left some homophobic chode “covered in his own blood” after he attempted to attack them while they were out shopping.

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Larry Lennox-Choate III and Daniel Lennox-Choate, who married in 2013, were shopping in the city when an unknown assailant became incensed by their sexuality and began yelling anti-gay slurs at them, before attacking Daniel and leaving him with a bruised lip.

However, both Larry and Daniel attended West Point military academy, which was founded by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. In a Facebook post, Larry said they “tossed” the assailant “in the street like the coward he is”.

The story, posted below, has since been picked up by many media outlets. They say that the NYPD’s hate crime division is on the case, though as of today no arrests have been made, with the investigation still ongoing.