Half of Young Britons Say They’re Neither Totally Straight Nor Completely Gay

Photo by Eric Rolph, via.

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According to the results of a new poll, Britons are officially more sexually open-minded. Nearly one in two 16 to 24-year-olds in the UK say that they’re neither entirely straight nor entirely gay, but rather, open to the idea of same-sex attraction, with 19 percent of the overall population also placing themselves somewhere in between.

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This isn’t to be mistaken for a measure of bisexuality in the UK: 89 percent of the overall population would still call themselves “heterosexual”. Like, if you asked them down the pub. What it does mean though, is that a younger generation of people are starting to view sexual orientation as fluid as opposed to binary.

The survey conducted by YouGov asked participants to rate themselves along the famous scale devised by sexologist Dr Alfred Kinsey, whereby “0” means massive hetero, “6” means massive homo, and everything in between is a little blurry (how blurry exactly, depends on the number).

The results support the idea that we’re entering an increasingly free-thinking-I’ll-fuck-anything-sexy-with-a-pulse era when it comes to how we view our sexual identities. However, the study also found that 28 percent of people who self-describe as totally heterosexual believe that “there is no middle ground – you are either heterosexual or you are not”, demonstrating that not everyone believes sexuality is on a sliding scale.