Trust Us, World Be Free’s Title Track is Actually A Hardcore Premiere You Might Want to Hear

Imagine for a minute that we told you that Noisey was going to stream a BRAND NEW TRACK from a BRAND NEW HARDCORE BAND. You’d be stoked right? Because that shit like, never ever ever ever happens does it? Look, we know. Noisey takes pride in showing you the best of the best in new music regardless of genre but let’s face it, there’s a lot of shit out there.

Now imagine again that Noisey says that this new hardcore band is definitely special. Like possibly even more so than many of the other premieres that you probably have seen on our site, you just might pay a liiiiiiittle more attention, right? Well, eyes up people. Check out this new track from World Be Free, a new hardcore band of undisclosed personnel (that you probably know) who is releasing their new LP The Anti-Circle via Revelation Records in February 2016.

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Annnnd you’re welcome.