Putin Built a New Amusement Park Where Kids Can Play with Grenade Launchers and Tanks

Putin shooting a tiger with a tranquilizer gun. Photo via Wikicommons

Judo lord-cum-soccer champ-cum-Russian leader Vladimir Putin debuted his latest gift to the Russian people on Tuesday—a militaristic, patriotic Disney World-esque park where families can kick back, relax, and play around with tanks and guns. They’ll also be able to participate in extreme sports. It’s all for the love of the country!

Patriot Park, as it’s called, will be located about an hour outside Moscow in Kubinka, and is valued at 20 billion roubles (roughly $370 million). Along with the sweet tanks to climb in and grenade launchers to touch and guns to shoot, visitors will be able to buy all the Putin memorabilia the mind can dream up, including iPhone cases and bomber jackets.

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“Children should come here, play with the weaponry, and climb on the tanks and see all the most modern technology, which they would not have known about before,” Russian Orthodox priest Sergei Privalov said at the park’s opening ceremony, according to the Guardian.

Completion of the park is set for 2017—for now, visitors can enjoy the display of tanks, armored cars, and missile launchers and peruse stands selling fridge magnets of Putin, Joseph Stalin, and Stalin’s right-hand man Lavrenty Beria. Fun for the whole family!

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