Saul Williams Marches Through Ferguson in “The Noise Came from Here”

Poet and performer Saul Williams put out his sixth album MartyrLoserKing a month ago, and today he releases an arresting visual for the powerful “The Noise Came from Here.” In it, Williams leads a chant through various corners of Ferguson, Missouri, the site of the murder of Michael Brown and the police-stoked unrest that gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement. He visits a nail salon, a local business’s roof, and most poignantly, the memorial on the street where Brown was killed, clapping and chanting as the refrain in the underlying song goes “The bullets in your guns, you know we paid for it all.” The video closes with a reading of Ferguson poet Marcellus Buckley’s gripping “The People vs. the Police.” Watch “The Noise Came from Here” below.