Dead Space is finally upon us. You’ll be able to see Vice’s review in the November issue (quick summary: the game excels) but in the meantime there’s this website, No Known Survivors, which presents an alternate reality browser game exploring the back story of the doomed ship Ishimura and some of its crew. To be honest, I didn’t keep up with KNS while its installments were being released individually. Ultimately Dead Space needs to (and does) stand on its own; whether it has quality associated media has no bearing on the quality of the game itself. As a reviewer, it’s my job to judge the game, so I kept away from anything that might bias my experience of it.

Once I played the game and wrote the review, I could check out the NKS site. Ultimately Dead Space needs to (and does) stand on its own; whether or not it has quality associated media has no bearing on the quality of the game itself. For some reason (we like to think it has something to do with our “reviewing integrity”) EA gave us exclusive screening rights to the final installment. Here it is. Oh, and if right now your brain is typing you the word “what,” go to the site and watch all the preceding action.

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