That Rachel Maddow Lady Cites Some Real Good Sources (Us)

Since 2008, Rachel Maddow’s show on US cable channel MSNBC has been steadily climbing the ratings ladder, using the heads of lesser programs like so many rungs on its way to the top. Last night, Rachel dropped her magnum opus, a segment so fantastic and flawless that her career has been guaranteed to continue long after her death, a la Larry King or Jesus Christ.

The coup de grâce she delivered to every other joker with a cable news show, of course, was her coverage of a little blog post we published yesterday about the hypocritical senators and congressional members who are supporting and/or sponsoring PIPA. Our time in the spotlight goes on until about the 2:30 mark. The whole segment is 15 minutes and, presumably, deals with more PIPA/ SOPA business, but after she stopped talking about us everything went sort of fuzzy and we started drinking champagne, so we’re really not sure.

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Read the original post here: PIPA Supporters Violate Copyright, Too