The Greatest April Fool

So The Independent claimed Portugal were selling footballers to save its economy, The Sun had the gorilla from the future. We made up some shitty competition and The Daily Mail pretended this guy was Luke Skywalker. But the best April fool of 2011 was pulled on our German editor, Tom. He excitedly emailed us this morning.

hi, been talking to this guy about shooting that weird midget drug boy scout story in mexico. he’s been there once but would need to go back to get into the prison. i just spoke to him on the phone and he’s certain that he has the contacts to get in there.

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what do you think?

Sounds good huh? Here’s the pitch:

Hi Tom,

as I mentionened last time, this Boy Scout Story in NM is absoltutely stellar and I´m on.

Boy Scout Troop prisoned in New Mexico for Drug traffickin.

Troop 198 of the Boy Scout of New Mexico is still prisoned by Drug Envorcement in New Mexico for Traffickin more than a ton of Cocaine in their Troop Bus on the way home from a Boy Scout Jamboree at the Mexican Border.

The Troop was infiltrated by Midgets over the last year to set up the Drug Route. Nobody knows how many Midgets have infiltrated the Boy Scouts Group, and how many other Troops were involved.

The worst part is, that the DEA would not release the Kids from Prison, since they cannot divide the Midgets from the Kids. Many of the Kids are Orphans, and there are no relatives to testify. So the DEA is holding up to 15 kids between 5 and 10 years in Prison for at least 6 Month now, without the possibility to press charges.

I do have a contact to the Prison, and I did manage to take a few shots of the Kids, but I need a proper Paper and some cash to get in.

take care, Martin

(attached is a picture)

Wow, that is some pitch; it’s got it all: A tonne of coke! Boy scout jamborees! An almighty miscarriage of justice! Highly trained evil midgets confusing the DEA! Sadly, and rather obviously, it’s not true.

You can see why Tom got carried away, though.