Who Needs Exercise When You Can Watch Ariana Grande’s and Nicki Minaj’s Spin-Themed VMA Performance

Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj performed together at the VMAs two years ago, when “Bang Bang” was a thing. They’re naturals at this thing! So now they’re back, for the 2016 installment—introduced by Chance the Rapper.

In a move that will surely inspire people all over the world to rush out to spin class, the performance began with a spin-themed dance montage (impressive on-bike dance moves!) and shifted into Ariana and Nicki promenading past a bunch of musclebound dudes. And Nicki in all latex!

Videos by VICE

You could go lift, brah, but you’re better off watching this instead. Watch Nicki and Ariana perform “Side by Side” together below:

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