You’re So Beautiful You’re Freaking Sam Hiscox Out

I love this world but it freaks me out every day. More and more, I experience the sense that nothing is real – like it’s all a dream. That’s when I’m drawn to take pictures. It can happen any time, whether I’m in the countryside or in the city – whenever I feel I’m not in a place, or faced with a scene that I can imagine to exist in reality. I shoot so others can see how I look at them.

Everyone in this life is batshit crazy, which I find endearing; I like to look for people’s quirks, and the quirk can often simply be someone’s face – they can actually look insane. But then there are the times, when someone is so beautiful it makes me feel crazy and confused – like, how can this person actually exist on planet Earth?

See more of Sam’s work here and here

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