
Electric Independence



Along with a shiny new office in Brooklyn, Warp records re-releases a classic Richard James album Surfing on Sine Waves (Warp). It’s newly remastered with two extra tracks, so if you’re all like, “Ha ha! I already got it when it first came out!” I’d be all like “Well it’s got two extra tracks!” and you’d be all like “doh!” To top it all off Warp has cooked up several more wicked releases to take your hard earned music dollar. One is a new album from one of my favorite artists Scott Herren. After hearing some wicked organic/electronic shit from this guy as Delarosa + Asora and Savath + Savalas it seems like the guy could do no wrong. Now under the name Prefuse 73 his Vocal Studies and Uprock Narratives (Warp) doesn’t disappoint as he reconstructs hip hop into something instantly likeable but with enough programming flair to keep the headz interested. Nothing totally new mind you, but still very wicked. Also new on Warp is the latest outing from ex-Black Dog members Ed Hanley and Andy Turner a.k.a. Plaid. At 19 tracks, Double Figure (Warp) is quite a marathon listen but there are some serious gems like the opener “Eyen” as well as “Zamami.” With this fifth release Plaid continue to take pages from techno past, present, and future and make little paper planes that sometimes land serenely on ambient pads and sometimes go down in a firey funky-break ridden heap of energy. For those who like their breaks a little more on the methamphetamine/crack side there’s the latest opus from Squarepusher. Go Plastic (Warp) is less rave than Big Loada (Warp) and less jazz than Music is One Rotted Note (Warp) and equal parts dub, drill n’ bass, west coast hip hop, and just plain sampler buggery. His signature sped up apache breaks are still there, but this time they’re accompanied by some of the most moodiest and melodic layers I’ve ever heard from Mr. Jenkinson. What can I say, this guy knows his fuckin’ shit. The two-step workout of the lead single “My Red Hot Car” will definitely find some play with some of the more daring DJs out there while Greenways Trajectory is guaranteed to blow minds and speakers alike. NYC is also home to Carpark, a young label quickly establishing itself as a musical force to be reckoned with. With the release of Supermogadon (Carpark) the 3rd cd by Marumari (my favorite artist on the label), Carpark’s rep grows stronger by the minute. Chosen to support To Rococo Rot on a US tour, Marumari takes the best of minimal techno, experimental breaks and DSP tomfoolery and drops a playful and engaging record. Speaking of playful, any one who’s into electronic music that’s slightly off center and doesn’t have a solid metal rod shoved way up his ass should pick the latest leaf compilation credited to The Noodles Foundation. The Complete Death of Cool (Leaf) features some familiar faces (Si Begg, Neil Landstrumm, and Jamie Lidell) and some not so familiar (The Buttmasters, Anal Parade, Barry Pseudonym). Mixing a little early Ninja Tune with it’s sampledelic-trixamological funxsploitationary-b-boy-yadda-yadda and a heavy dose of 60s, 70s and 80s exotica, The Noodles Foundation give the whole thing a run through the old digital audio software meatgrinder. Listening to this comp, you get the feeling that their tongues aren’t so much planted in their cheeks, but more firmly between the cheeks of what they call “a stagnant music industry” that is in dire need of a good rimming. Highlights are tracks by “Mou Ars On” (Mouse On Mars?), and “Zygmunt Janowski” as well as

“The Hibiscus Geronimo III Players.” On the more Actuelle tip comes a couple of albums worth checking out. The first is by Monstre a new artist on the Alien 8 roster. Sucre 3 is the music Indonesians would make if they had cheap Casio samplers instead of Gamelans and took waaaay too many hits of the brown acid. Definitely check it out. Fresh off a Japanese tour and a

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Email: twosixfour@sympatico.ca. Send 12”/CD promos to Electric Independence c/o Raf + Vince, VICE Magazine, 24 Mount Royal West, Suite 500, Montreal, QC, H2T 2S2, Canada.