House of the Setting Sun on CNN


Jesus, CNN, we know “if it bleeds it leads” is still the dominant mentality in media, but don’t you think maybe it’s time to take it a little easy on the downerism?

Out of the however many hundred stories we’ve done on VBS over the past three years so far you’ve managed to pick how fucked up North Korea, how fucked up our oceans are, how fucked up Welsh heroin addicts are, the Hajj (wild card), how fucked up Pakistani gun markets are, and now our piece on Casa Xochiquetzal, Mexico’s retirement home for ex-prostitutes, is sharing screenspace with Detroit’s failing school system.

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What, you’re telling us you can’t come up with something from our archives more sunshiney than wrinkled old Mexican ladies who still have to rely on sex work to make ends meet? Need I mention the Cute Show? Just look what we’ve put up in the last 24 hours. A bunch of pretty photos of happy naked kids, an interview with a guy in Italy who gets to go to parties for a living, the scientific explanation for “hot farts,” and we made fun of the goofs who came up with Tingotang and the goofs who get excited about St Patrick’s Day.

See? It doesn’t have to be all “doom and gloom and budget cuts and aging hookers.” Honestly, if you don’t let the shitty stuff take up 100% of your attention it’s pretty hard to escape the fact that we’re doing pretty well for ourselves. At least compared to every preceding era of human history.

Besides, have you been outside today? It’s that temperature that’s so perfect it feels like there isn’t air. Get out there and take a load off. “Cheer up, little buddy” is I guess what we’re getting after.

Oh, and thanks for the press.