Six Stories

In ’69 Gangemi wrote , a 55-page speedball that you should be fined for not having read. He is also the author of

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, another criminally underappreciated title that critics like to label “transfiction” when really it’s just a damn good book. He sent an entire unpublished, untitled novel made up of loosely connected short stories that are all amazingly funny and dirty and dark. If life were fair he’d be selling millions of books. As it is, he should be your new favorite author. High School Girls Story Read by: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca and two full glasses of gin.
How to Eat Pussy How to Give a Blow Job Landlords Story Read by: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca and two full glasses of gin.
Story Read By: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca, two glasses of gin, and four beers.
The Pet Store
Norsk Skogkatt The Seafood Waitress Story Read By: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca, two glasses of gin, and four beers.
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Story Read By: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca, two glasses of gin, four beers, two shots of whisky, and another couple of beers.
The Young Actress Story Read By: Comics artist Victor Cayro after drinking a bottle of Tuaca, two glasses of gin, four beers, two shots of whisky, and another couple of beers.
Back Stage Kennedy’s Children The Day of the Locust © Kenneth Gangemi, 2008