Let’s Hear It for the Bartenders


Everyday countless individuals pour into bars across the United States to celebrate, commiserate, kill time… you name it. The reasons are as endless as there are varying degrees of human emotion, and it’s as time-tested a tradition as exists in this country. Hell, there was an entire TV series built on this one simple concept and they had enough material for 11 seasons.

The foundations of this invaluable institution of course are the men and women on the other side—the bartenders. A 2,000 year old trade with roots as far back as Ancient Egypt, the bartender has always been a bit of mythical profession. They’re a kind of local celebrity sitting squarely at the helm of our nights out, driving our hedonism forward with each pour.

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In what seems like a long overdue move, the folks at Sailor Jerry Rum have circled the wagons around our boozy brethren and created a government petition to recognize the first Friday of every December as National Bartender Appreciation Day.  A note from Paul Monahan, National Brand Ambassador for Sailor Jerry sums it up pretty nicely:

“We appreciate bartenders all over because at some point all of us wanted to be a bartender for every intangible reason why everyone loves their bartender.”

It practically goes without saying that at some everyone has dreamed of taking up the life. Who doesn’t fantasize about of kicking the daily grind to the curb, sleeping until noon just to spend all night slinging booze, making friends and mercilessly flirting with strangers? When the sun goes down you’re instantly everyone’s best friend. They charm us, they entertain us, they talk shit to us…and we love them for it.  Bartenders get away with what 99% of the rest of us can’t—they’ve beaten the system that’s constantly beating the rest of us down.

And it’s not just about being gatekeepers to a good time—we trust our bartenders. There is an unspoken agreement that when in need, they’ll be our confidants; that when we’re neck deep in shit, they’ll care enough to ask (and know when to just keep the doubles coming). Rising cost of healthcare be damned—all it takes is a chip and a chair and you’ll walk out feeling better for it. In a lot of ways, our bartenders are the most inexpensive therapists on the planet. Plus, why not have a session with a drink in hand?

So unless you’re some kind of ingrate, sign the petition here and let’s give our bartenders the credit and recognition they deserve. And since today (you guessed it) is the first Friday of December, go out, get a drink, and show these noble men and women some well deserved appreciation.