• China Has Music Festivals Too!

    The nice people from Zebra Music Festival invited me all the way out to Sichuan province to prove that fun exists in China and that it is definitely not a totalitarian communist state hell bent on stamping out every last bit of creativity in its quest...

  • Lebanon's Waxwork Museum

    Just outside Beirut, in the town of Jounieh, stands one of the Middle East's foremost tourist attractions. An oasis of opulence and grandeur, Lebanon's 'Hall of Fame Wax Museum' provides a bolt-hole for the unfortunate celebrities who find themselves...

  • The Island of the Dolls

    Sometimes when people get into a religious sulk they do things like fly planes into buildings or dress their kids in white and drown them in bleach.

  • Hezbollah's Wax Museum Theme Park

    How are you gonna get back to fostering hate at the rate you've become accustomed to?


    Last weekend, Japanese protesters staged the biggest public demonstration in Tokyo since the 1970s, but because Japanese people are so nice it was more like Hay-on-Wye than a siren-soundtracked, policeman-burning black blocalypse.