• Imagining Justin Bieber’s Horrifying Future Parties

    If Justin Bieber truly parties like it's 3012, as he sings in his new single, "Beauty and a Beat," then we fear the kind of blood-drenched revelry the boy king of pop might be getting into. Because the world in 3012 is going to be barbaric.

  • Taji's Mahal - Post-Apocalyptic Roll

    For this week's Mahal, I decided it would be a good idea to get that one last roll of film developed that has been marinating in my camera for the last few months in light of the Mayan apocalypse.

  • Making Friends at Stonehenge for the End of the World

    Throughout my time at Stonehenge I met hippies, Norse gods, ancient kings, bygone warriors, conspiracy theorists, senile Druids, schizophrenics, witches, wizards, demons, hackers, viking families, trance-heads, and even a guy who thought he was a...