
  • Τα Παράνομα Τατουάζ της Κούβας

    Αν και τα τατουάζ στην Κούβα είναι παράνομα, μπορείς να δεις πολλούς νέους και μεγαλύτερους ανθρώπους με tattoo, στον δρόμο.

  • Andres Serrano’s Cuban Odyssey

    We had no idea what Andres Serrano was up to until last summer when we got a call from a producer who asked if we’d be interested in accompanying Andres on a three-week trip to Cuba as he attempted to photograph Fidel Castro.

  • Castro Files

    Material and Letter from the Cuban Communist for a Possible Penthouse Story

  • Why Is There a Photo of R-Patz in the Cuban Revolution Museum?

    The Cuban Revolution Museum in Havana, housed in the former presidential palace, is still pockmarked with numerous bullet holes and packed with propaganda lauding Castro's Communist regime. Strangely, there is also a large picture of Twilight</i...

  • Dreams Involving Water

    There has been no butter for two weeks. A taxi driver thought there might be butter in the supermarket in Miramar. I think so, too: I once saw a man in that market buy 20 cases of Coca-Cola in loose 12-ounce bottles. Otherwise there is no butter to be...

  • Cries and Whispers in Obamastan

    In Cuba male prostitutes, 'pingueros,' have mixed in with gay people in Havana in growing numbers, numbers that correlate closely with the spread of private enterprise, income inequality, and foreign-made consumer goods.

  • In Cuba, Tattoo Artists Make More than Doctors and Lawyers

    Although tattoo artists operate on the margins of society, they make good money. Most Cubans working official, on-the-books government jobs earn only about $30 per month. “Being a tattoo artist, I can make more money than being in the government,” Sosa...

  • What a World Without Hugo Chavez Looks Like

    Hugo Chavez, the charismatic Venezuelan president, succumbed to his two-year bout with cancer on Tuesday, pushing the Latin American country into a new state of limbo. As the whole world watches, Venezuela now begins its inevitable transition to a post...

  • Between Revolutions

    Technology is addictive and destroys whatever’s left of the human mind. It will be tragic when it wrecks Cuba, turning these lovely but thwarted people into inert, unlovely robots, tweeting and Facebook friending like every oblivious twat in the...