Election 2013

  • Talking to Australians on Election Day

    Australia, one of only 10 countries that enforces compulsory voting, took to the polls this weekend to decide on a new government. Here's how some of us felt about that.

  • The Vice Guide to Voting in the 2013 Australian Election

    Based on that time-honoured Australian tradition of self-interest, VICE has compiled this handy how-to-vote card so you know you're doing what's best for the most important person in the world – you!

  • A Navy Guy's Guide to the 2013 Election

    As a bloke in the Navy assigned to Operation Resolute, my day job entails picking up suspected asylum seekers as they drift into Australian waters. Given that makes me a future employee of whatever party wins this Saturday, I thought I’d share some of...

  • Australia, Is Tony Abbott The Better Choice?

    Abbott and Rudd call themselves leaders but you have no idea what you’re getting. As a young, brown, broke, inner city dude, the pundits say I’m inclined towards Rudd and Labor but this recent PNG hop over to the far right muddled up what was already...

  • Why the PNG Solution is What Australia Wants

    Being considered a bunch of pussies has long been Labor’s problem when dealing with the boats. When Howard began the public discourse by framing himself as a sort of Aussie Battler strongman, it was inevitable that the left were going to look like...

  • How Our Stupidity On Climate Change Will Cost Us More Money

    Kevin Rudd today announced he would bring the Emissions Trading Scheme forward by a year. Currently, around 500 big businesses pay about $25 for every tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. This fixed price will now be scrapped a year earlier than planned...

  • How to Oversimplify a Budget

    The Australian public is accustomed to having complicated and complex information spelled out for them in an oversimplified way, and Vice will not divert from that tradition at all.

  • Polls Are Dumb

    If you look at the polls, you'd think that Australia ws being run by Berlusconi.

  • Bad Polls? Racism is the Answer

    You don't pick on people with money, because they will destroy you. You pick on people who have no money and don't vote.