
  • Remembering Independence Day Behind Bars

    Other than getting some bonerable melon, there wasn't anything good about spending Independence Day in prison. It was another ugly reminder that us inmates were missing out on the real world. Anyone we talked to outside was going to tell us about the...

  • Most Neediest Forgotten Charities

    During the holiday season, America's charities are highlighted in the popular media and, hence, deluged with donations. But each year, regardless of the economy or collective good will, some of the neediest of the of the needier needy charities are...

  • Holidays in Jail

    Lamentably, I’ve spent the majority of the past decade’s Christmases locked up. I try to imagine I’m a tough son of a bitch and this doesn’t affect me, but I tell you, it’s mega-hard not to succumb to the depression.

  • The Kids Are Alright, Getting Less Fat

    Forget the holiday gluttony: Kids across the US are slimming down. An encouraging new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that obesity rates among American children--particularly children from low-income families--have...

  • All I Want for Christmas

    Truth be told, I want absolutely nothing for Christmas. I'd actually like to get rid of some crap in my life Vs. acquiring more stuff, but for the sake of this column I came up with a list of things I'd like for Christmas. Or for the holidays. Or...

  • Caffeine and Stress: Hallucinating Your Way Through the Holidays

    "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas," forever trapped inside your skull.

  • Here's Looking at You, Consumer

    Don't even think about pulling any sly in-store shit this holiday season. A special crop of mannequins outfitted with bionic eyeball cameras and identification software is being deployed at select luxury stores around the U.S. and in three European...

  • Why Do We Go Bloodlust-Crazy Over Holiday Sales?

    Watching humans go batshit on Black Friday is better than most nature shows.

  • Old People Having Fun in the Sun

    Here are a bunch of pictures that make you wish you were a bag of excess skin. The photos feature olds unashamedly strutting their stuff while on vacation in Tenerife.