LA Weekly

  • The 12 Least Overrated Things in Los Angeles

    A local writer took the city to task for being "overrated." Well, I live in Los Angeles, and I take offense to people making fun of all the amazing things the city has to offer. LA has the most pre-war movie houses in the world, some of the top art...

  • The Best Unknown Brooklyn Bands

    Rock n’ roll is still alive, well, and following a strict P90x workout regimen. There’s no reason to write it a eulogy. Everybody knows Brooklyn is the place to find awesome new bands, because that’s what they say on music websites. I give you the top...

  • Big Surprise - Henry Rollins Can Reform Health Care, Man!

    I realize that the Henry Rollins I see on my television is not the same person I pictured the first time I heard Damaged as a kid. And he shouldn't be. That Henry—immortalized for punching a mirror—was a lot younger, angrier, and less politically aware...