
  • Satanists Turned the Founder of the Westboro Baptist Church’s Dead Mom Gay

    The Satanic Temple, a burgeoning community of worship devoted to the Dark Lord, has performed a “Pink Mass” over the grave of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Jr.’s dead mother, which means that now her spirit is now totally into other...

  • Satan's Favorite Column

    Dear VICE readers, happy Friday! Each week I peruse your comments and find the stupidest. Then I humiliate you by drawing pictures of them. How do you like that? Honestly, let me know. I have no idea.

  • Is There a Hell?

    The idea of heaven—that you’ll be rewarded for good behavior by playing a harp in the clouds—is pretty silly, but hell seems much more likely to exist. If there is a God, based on his behavior in the past he’s probably more concerned with punishing us...

  • Republicantics - Screw You, Wisconsin

    Rick Santorum is inarguably America's best chance for surviving God's wrath during the 2012 apocalypse, but don't expect the devil-worshippers of Wisconsin to recognize that fact.

  • Doomsday Metal

    A week or so ago, Satan decided to spew his hatred over Linköping, Sweden. And he sure wasn’t the only one…