
Monthly Horoscope: Aries, August 2021

Leo and Virgo

Leo season is a party season for you, Aries! The sun in fellow fire sign Leo inspires joy, creativity, romance, and plenty of celebration. This is an exciting time of year to develop your artistic talents, and to enjoy time with your crushes or partners. 

On August 1, realizations about what’s truly important to you take place as Mercury meets the sun in Leo, but some obstacles may pop up in your social life as Mercury opposes Saturn in Aquarius on the same day. A block or delay in communication may take place. Responsibility and maturity are major themes at this time, and some events might find you reflecting on who in your environment is capable of stepping up. 

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A gloomy mood is in the air on August 2 as the sun opposes Saturn: Confidence may be low and your social life could feel lacking, but the energy shifts soon. On August 3, Venus in Virgo connects with Uranus in Taurus, which could bring an unexpected gift or reward your way. A creative breakthrough in your career takes place! Also on August 3, Mercury clashes with Uranus, and on August 6, the sun clashes with Uranus, which could bring unexpected news or surprise changes to your schedule—stay flexible!

The new moon in Leo takes place on August 8, marking an especially joyful and creative moment for you, dear Aries. If you’re not having fun, take stock of what needs to change. New moons are new beginnings and in Leo, this new journey is all about bringing more pleasure, celebration, and love into your life. What fills your spirit with abundance and happiness? Whether it’s dancing and karaoke, laughing with your friends, or a long night of love and connection with your partner, commit to inviting more of it into your life. A new creative project might begin at this time, and a new crush, lover, or renewed spark could arrive, too. 

Carve out extra time to rest as Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces on August 9. The mood on this day is highly sensitive or even weepy! Don’t let your imagination run away with your fears. Find ways to stay grounded, and make time to rest and relax. Indulge in fantasy, but keep it light, and enjoy comedies or other inspiring or uplifting genres. A more optimistic atmosphere is in the air as Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on August 10, though minds are so open at this time that you might have to be careful of exaggerations or promises that can’t be kept.

Mercury enters Virgo on August 11, helping you get organized. This is a great time to get rid of clutter and rethink your routine and schedule. If you’re looking for work or working on a project that requires analysis and communication, Mercury in Virgo is on your side! Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn on August 11, creating a fantastic atmosphere in your career—some valuable reward or recognition may come your way! Collectively, this is also a potent time in people’s love lives, as we connect deeply about our desires and fantasies.

Venus enters your opposite sign Libra on August 16, bringing blessings to the relationship sector of your chart! A major boost in romance may be on the way—it’s a lovely time to connect with people, whether you’re meeting someone new or bonding with someone already in your life. Your partner’s charm and allure may be especially magnetizing at this time; Aries folks love the thrill of the chase, and Venus in Libra may spark your desire to woo! 

Mercury meets your ruling planet Mars, currently in Virgo, on August 18, helping you get organized. The mood is productive and it’s a great time to tackle your chores. This is also a helpful atmosphere for kicking habits or starting a new routine. On August 19, the sun opposes Jupiter, which should find you having plenty of fun! The energy is confident, expansive, and celebratory! It’s a great moment to connect with people and for artistic expression. 

Uranus retrograde begins on August 19, which could bring unexpected shifts concerning your finances or resources, and Mercury connects with Uranus on August 20, creating a brilliant problem-solving energy, especially regarding work or money. The full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 22, bringing a situation that’s been brewing in your social circle to a climax. You may decide to leave a group or community behind—full moons are all about release! Another kind of culmination may be taking place, too: A dream or vision you had for your future may be coming into fruition! 

Virgo season also begins on August 22, finding the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals. Focus is on your wellness and habits, as well as the projects, gigs, and jobs you’re working on. Mars and Uranus connect on August 22, which may find you feeling especially impulsive! Do your best to be patient and get a second opinion before you make a rash move. That said, this may be a very dynamic and creative time for you professionally. Venus makes a harmonious connection with Saturn on August 23, inspiring a hugely supportive atmosphere in your social life and in partnerships of all kinds. It’s a great time to talk about commitments and goals, as well as money or other matters involving security or valuables.

Plans may dissolve and misunderstandings might take place as Mercury opposes Neptune on August 24, but a much more focused energy for communication and planning takes place on August 26 as Mercury connects with Pluto. Pluto is the planet of power, and as it connects with messenger planet Mercury, you might be connecting with some very powerful people or exchanging intriguing information, especially regarding your career. Mercury enters Libra on August 30, activating the relationship sector of your chart. Your partners may be in a much more talkative, social, or inquisitive mood, and if there’s a conversation you’re hoping to have, Mercury in Libra inspires fairness.

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in September!