
Scorpio, May 2018

You’re the sexiest sign in the zodiac, Scorpio, and earthy Taurus season is full of sensual pleasure for you and plenty of opportunities to connect with others — the Sun illuminates the partnership sector of your chart during this time. Communication planet Mercury will enter Taurus on May 13, helping you connect with intellectual people and bringing some new information your way. If you’ve been waiting to have “a talk” with someone, Mercury in Taurus is your time!

A fresh start will to your partnerships, thanks to the new moon in Taurus on May 15. This is a wonderful time to wipe the slate clean — you’re famous for bridge-burning and grudge-holding, but you might be inspired to pardon a few individuals at this time. Listen to your intuition; it won’t steer you wrong. The energy is very malleable during a new moon, so you can make your relationships into whatever you intend them to be if you work with the energy productively.

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This is a wonderful time to cast a love spell: Surround yourself with symbols of Taurus season, like gourmet food and wine and spring bouquets, and carve a pink candle for sweetness and affection between yourself and whoever your heart desires. A spell for non-romantic relationships is also great to do during this time, whether you want to connect with a business partner or heal a friendship that’s turned frenemy.

The new moon in Taurus isn’t the only hugely significant transit taking place on May 15: Uranus enters Taurus on the same day, changing signs for the first time since 2011. (Uranus spends eight years in each sign, so it’ll be in Taurus until 2026!) Uranus is the planet of freedom and innovation, and it’s been in Aries for the past few years, teaching you how to manage your worst habits, stay flexible in your routines, manage your work schedule and workload, stay active and healthy even when curveballs come your way, and problem-solve creatively when plans fall through. If you’re a freelancer, this could have been a very up-and-down time for you creatively. In terms of wellness, Uranus in Aries has found Scorpios needing to be mindful about keeping up with healthy routines.

A big shift is going to take place once electric Uranus leaves fiery Aries and enters Taurus: Personal freedom within your relationships is going to be a major theme for the next few years. You’ll be connecting with eccentric, unusual, and totally brilliant people. Every Scorpio has an enemy to contend with — and a surprising one may find you during this time.

As you get used to Uranus in Taurus, you may find that many of your relationships will be totally shaken up.

As you get used to Uranus in Taurus, you may find that many of your relationships will be totally shaken up. People you felt unsure about will start showing you a different side of themselves, and the relationships you thought were smooth sailing will suddenly need your attention. Don’t worry: This doesn’t need to mean drama, but it does mean you need to be mindful about your relationships and willing to be flexible in terms of allowing dynamics to evolve.

Warrior planet Mars will enter Aquarius on May 16, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart. This is a fantastic time to get to work on home improvement projects. If there’s been some fighting in your home, this is a crucial time to either mobilize and move out, or bring in a third party to help mediate.

An unexpected argument (or an argument you’ve all been denying will eventually take place) will arrive on May 16, when Mars clashes with Uranus, newly in Taurus. The shifts that need to take place in your relationships will show themselves quickly, as Mars will poke the beasts as soon as it enters Aquarius.

Venus enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 19, bringing blessings to the sector of your chart that rules travel and higher education. This is a fantastic time to lounge on the beach with loved ones, to submit an important paper or project, and generally to connect and interact with the world. Yes, you’re still going to be in an intense mood — you are a Scorpio after all, and the Sun will enter Gemini on May 20, activating a very sensitive sector of your chart and finding you reflecting on and working with sensitive issues in your sex life and involving your finances. Venus in Cancer will find you open to new, lovely experiences, but the Sun in Gemini will also find you focused on handling some intense stuff.

A powerful opportunity to release difficult emotions will arrive during the full moon in Sagittarius on May 29. On the same day, communication planet Mercury will enter Gemini. Talking about your feelings will be extremely crucial now. Talk about your needs in bed, and talk about your issues around money — demand a raise if you know you deserve it! It’s time to say goodbye to any negative voices in your head that tell you that you’re not worth what you truly deserve.

Good luck this month, Scorpio, see you in June!