
An Experiment in Video Feedback: Jonathan Brainin’s Hypnotic Pendulum Video

The last time a television set looked this psychedelic was probably when you rented Enter the VoidPendulum Video is a kinetic video installation that creates ocular music with video feedback and also creates some mesmerizingly trippy visuals. Artist Jonathan Brainin calls it “an instrument for generating video feedback” and the project began as a response to Steve Reich’s Pendulum Music from 1968 (below), in which amplified microphones swinging over a loudspeaker generated a musical composition of sonic feedback pulses.

Brainin explains that video feedback works the same way as audio feedback, there’s just a video camera instead of a microphone and a television instead of a loudspeaker. 

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The artist started experimenting with video feedback while studying at the MFACA in New York and first created Pendulum Video as part of his senior thesis. The most recent iteration of this ongoing project appeared at the Currents New Media Festival in Santa Fe, New Mexico just last month. This last version utilized two pendulum televisions to create its hypnotizing and entrancing effect.

You can check it out in the video above and in the pics below.