
We Really Want to Know What Kind of Overwrought Feelings Sigur Rós’ New Weed Edibles Might Taste Like

Icelandic crossover post-rockers/storm spirits Sigur Rós make gorgeous music that is nevertheless best-suited for good smoke seshes. Possibly knowing this, the band have ventured into the world of medical marijuana and have created a weed edible that has been birthed into the world celestially, like the angel-infant thing on the cover of the classic Ágætis byrjun. Did anyone else imagine that little dude as the one singing the songs instead of Jónsi? No, just me? Anyways, the “Wild Sigurberry” THC gumdrops, according to the official site, are “inspired by the flavors of foraged Icelandic berries,” which means that they’re likely delightful and capable of inducing nude frolicking in the manner of the Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust artwork.

Unfortunately, you can only get the Sigurberries (great Nickelodeon cartoon, BTW) delivered to you if you have a prescription in the state of California. Still, one can dream about what these may feel like upon entering your mouth, which is really what Sigur Rós’ music is about in the first place (the “dreaming” part, not the “entering your mouth” part). Let’s idly speculate while listening to “Olsen Olsen,” an extremely pretty song that’s unfortunately not about the titular young detectives.

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These will taste like how it feels to say “Eyjafjallajökull.”

The band has secretly collected the tears of everyone who cried the first time they saw the “Untitled #1” video and have injected them into the Sigurberries for the ultimate emotional experience.

Have you ever really thought about what a cloud tastes like?

It will feel like Jónsi bowing his guitar, but the guitar is your tongue.


The Radiohead fans who helped put on Sigur Rós back in the early aughts will argue in your tastebuds over which band is better.

How about if you could like, lick a mountain?

It will feel like the incomprehensible destiny of a cosmic birth, like that trippy shit at the end of 2001. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.

It will not be nearly as disappointing as all of Valtari.

What if ice could whisper in your ear?

Earth. Just… the entire thing.

Man, this actually really makes you think. Hm.

Phil has reached deep emotional places listening to ‘( )’ and he will hear no slander. He’s on Twitter.