
5 Oscar-Nominated Directors, One Supercut

Not everyone has 12 hours to spend catching up on this year’s Academy Awards nominees, and with the ceremony just over a week away, it’s likely that everyone who is going to see all the nominated films before the ceremony has done so already. Luckily supercutter Jacob T. Swinney has been putting out this excellent series of Oscar-themed supercuts, giving the lazy film conneiseur a chance to catch up on the contenders through expertly curated scenes from Birdman, Grand Budapest Hotel, and more. His latest work is a roundup of nominees for the “Best Director” category, although he admits that directing is difficult to capture in his medium of choice.

Swinney tells The Creators Project, “I think it is rather difficult to show what makes a director a ‘good director’ out of the context of his or her film, especially in so little time. What I decided to do was display the range of the filmmakers. I tried to include a varitey of different approaches and tones, and suture them together thematically or aesthetically.”

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Basically, go out and watch the movies in full if you can. If not, Swinney’s video is offers a solid speed-read so you know what you’re talking about come February 22.

Visit Jacob T. Swinney’s Vimeo page to see his weekly supercut exercises, including ones for the Academy Awards’ Best Actor and Best Actress of 2014 categories.

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