
Alleged Canadian Drug Dealer Busted Because His Customers Kept Accidentally Calling a Cop

Maybe don’t call these people when you want to buy heroin. Photo via Flickr user waferboard

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An alleged Alberta drug dealer was busted last week after his clients kept calling a similar but wrong number that tragically happened to belong to an RCMP officer.

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Trevor Dennis, 41, was arrested after the police pieced together enough information to ID him thanks to an increasing number of calls to an RCMP officer’s phone, many of which involved various people using codewords for the types of drugs and amounts they wanted to purchase.

The officer in question, RCMP Cpl. John Spaans, started receiving anonymous calls, most of which were from the Athabasca region, sometime in 2014. However, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that he began to become suspicious of the calls, when one person kept calling back even after Spaans identified himself as a wrong number. The caller also would have heard Spaans’s voicemail, including his name and info, which, y’know, is a big tip off that you called a random guy instead of your drug dealer.

“I really think they felt I was playing hard to get,” he told the National Post.

Spaans reportedly then started receiving texts that included codewords for drugs. While Spaans wasn’t sure what they meant at first—with some texts asking for “boy,” a street term for heroin—the internet was able to help him decipher the lingo.

“Thank you, Urban Dictionary,” he said.

When he finally asked the person on the other end who they were looking for, they said they were looking for Dennis, which led the RCMP to raiding his apartment Friday.

Spaans said that he never told the callers on the other end that he was a Mountie, noting that he’d rather not have them knowing that they just unwittingly busted their dealer.

Dennis is charged with possession and trafficking of marijuana and cocaine. He is set to appear in court December 14.

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