
There Was a Hilarious Fugazi Typo on Twitter and You Internet Monsters Piled On

In the wonderful world of internet writing, typoes hapen. They hapen al teh time. As much as you would like to believe otherwise, the people who blog for your favorite websites are not grammar-programmed robots. We are sensitive human beings prone to error, just like you. Such was the case today for our fellow music writers over at SPIN, who tweeted the following:

A harmless albeit hilarious typo in the year, which was supposed to read “1988.” It happens. SPIN took it in stride and corrected it:

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But by then, it was too late. The internet had sunk its joke-making teeth into it and thus, #Fugazi1888 was born. If you like super niche post-hardcore jokes, this is the hashtag for you:

Even SPIN dug it:

Oh and Fugazi is reissuing a demo or something.