
Diddy and the WWE Made an Anti-Cyberbullying PSA Because of Course They Did

Cyberbullying sucks. A lot. As people who work on the Internet, we’re definitely not going to dispute that. And who better to stop the scourge of cyberbullying than noted professional human being Diddy as well as that beloved, cuddly professional wrestling conglomerate, the WWE? Diddy just performed at WrestleMania, so we’re kind of assuming that they snuck this in his contract? As with lots of things, the sentiment is admirable, but the fact that pretty much every Diddy verse is about how he is better than everyone else and that the WWE is an entertainment format that pretty overtly promotes violence and people generally talking shit about each other. Also, why does Diddy’s t-shirt say “Invisible Bullying”? Is that the new name for cyberbullying? Ugh, we’re just gonna go listen to the “Same Damn Time” remix and try not to think too hard about how contradictory this is.