This story is over 5 years old.


Black Lips/Cerebral Ballzy Tour Diary 003: GOOD TIMES ARE KILLING US

The third installment from Tod Seelie, one of our favorite photographers. Tod's currently on tour with the Black Lips and Cerebral Ballzy.

Some of the lovely California landscape we enjoyed on the way to San Francisco. Including $5.48-a-gallon gas.

Cerebral Ballzy tearing it up, as usual.

The Black Lips pick up a couple back-up dancers.


More of the beauty of the open road.

The van gets a coating of dead bugs so thick it actually smells bad

Sneaking the whole band in through the back door of a motel to fit everyone in the single room.

It turns out that in San Francisco, mustaches are very cool right now.


It also turns out that my particular mustache is sold as a hipster accessory, although in a shorter groomed version.

- The Great American Music Hall in San Francisco is fancy.

Honor + lollipop = happy.

Mason and a friend backstage.

The Black Lips put on one hell of a show in San Francisco.

Fans actually ask Cerebral Ballzy to sign one of their shirts.

A lovely view of San Fran from makeout point.

While killing time to avoid sf rush hour to head to Portland we went searching for bison in Golden Gate Park (the photos were kind of boring though).