
7 Things to Remind Jose Mourinho That Life Isn’t All Bad

Hey, Jose, how’s it going mate? Bad? Is it going bad, Jose? I know you won’t answer me with anything but blank non-statements, but I can tell it’s going bad. I have eyes in my head to see all the terrible things: the Premier League table, the ever-unfolding Eva Carneiro saga, the look on your face that resembles an elderly man lost in a hedge maze.

So I’ve come bearing tidings of joy. While things may seem bad today, there are many reasons to believe that tomorrow, next week and next year will all be brighter. Consider this a little emotional first-aid kit, with mood bandages and psychological paracetamol. Read on and take comfort, gentle Jose – it could be so much worse.

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1. Some people don’t care about football

My cousin Richard doesn’t like football at all and barely knows who you are. He refers to you as ‘Marina’ and has no idea what club you manage. Your current failures mean nothing to him, just like they mean nothing to everyone who works at NASA, small tribes living in largely untouched regions of Africa, and Liza Minelli. All of these people will treat you the same now as they would have the day you sealed the league. Which is to say, as a stranger.

2. You didn’t have to witness the horrors at the Battle of the Somme

20,000 British troops lost their lives on the first day alone, yet you’re still worried about Fabregas’ declining pass completion statistics? Get some perspective, Jose!

3. You have a glittering career to look back on

When my gran sighs sadly and says “I’ve nothing left to look forward to” I put on my softest voice and agree with her, because she’s 89 and it’s true. But then I’m sure to remind her that she has a wonderful life behind her to look back on and enjoy from the comfort of her armchair, or by the window if someone helps her up. Just like my gran, your best days may well be behind you, Jose, but you too can sit quietly and reflect on a lifetime of great achievements: two Champions League triumphs, eight domestic titles across four nations, and a fabulous range of tasteful merchandise that will last forever.

4. There are people out there having much worse days than you

Cliff Richard, for example, has been re-interviewed by police investigating alleged sexual assaults. Wouldn’t want to swap places with him, would you Jose?

5. Somewhere in France, Arsene Wenger is lost on a pier

And he has no money to get home having spent it all on a scarf with pockets. Heartbreaking.

6. No matter how badly it ends, people will eventually forget you

History has a habit of only remembering the real monsters, meaning you’d have to commit an act of huge human atrocity for people to still whisper your name in hushed tones a thousand years from now. Mismanaging Eden Hazard? Try massacring whole civilian populations as you rampage across Asia. Try being Genghis Khan, Jose – then we’ll talk.

7. Things might suddenly fall into place and Chelsea will end the season in the top-four

Okay, maybe we’re pushing the boundaries of reality a bit now.