
Behind the Scenes of Alan Moore’s “Jimmy’s End”

Many of Alan Moore‘s comics have been adapted for the big screen, but it’s no secret: not many of Hollywood’s takes have met with his approval. So he went and wrote his own screenplay, the first one he’s ever written, which turned into the film Jimmy’s End. Along with director Mitch Jenkins, Moore’s created an experience not unlike his celebrated Watchmen–a rich, multilayered film with a narrative that will reward repeat viewings and will live on beyond the rectangular box of the screen, spilling out into the real world.

The film is set in Nighthampton, an alternate version of Northampton, Moore‘s hometown, in a working men’s club, and explores an underlying dream time that coexists next to our own world, a nightmarish place of sleazy clowns and uncanny environments where some very strange things happen. Motherboard went behind the scenes in Northhampton to talk to Moore, Jenkins, and the cast and crew about making and creating this disturbing, intoxicating film.

Watch Jimmy’s End on Motherboard and at, and see the prologue “Act of Faith.”

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