
Daily Horoscope: November 12, 2021

The moon enters Pisces today.
Robin Eisenberg

The moon enters water sign Pisces at 2:54 AM, inspiring creativity and emotional sensitivity—plus, there’s a dreamy and imaginative atmosphere as the sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces at 11:24 AM. An affectionate energy flows as the moon connects with sweet Venus in Capricorn at 3:18 PM. We’re feeling proactive as the moon connects with warrior planet Mars in Scorpio at 7:28 PM.

All times ET.



The moon enters Pisces today, encouraging you to slow down and rest. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, bringing a lovely atmosphere to focus on your healing and move on.


You’re focused on your social life today as the moon enters Pisces. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, finding you enjoying the intuitive connection you share with your partners.


Your attention turns to your career as the moon enters imaginative water sign Pisces. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, finding you feeling especially creative and productive!


The moon enters fellow water sign Pisces, creating an adventurous atmosphere. It’s an exciting time to plan your next trip, dear Cancer! The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring fun and fantasy.


The moon enters Pisces, finding you reflecting on issues concerning money, especially themes like debts, taxes, or resources you share with partners. Your astrological ruler, the sun, currently in Scorpio, connects with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, inspiring sympathy.


The moon enters your opposite sign Pisces, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, creating a sweet, emotionally and intuitively connective atmosphere in your partnerships.


The moon in Pisces finds you reflecting on your daily routine and encourages you to get organized! The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, bringing a great atmosphere for dreaming up creative solutions.



Romance and creativity flow as the moon enters fellow water sign Pisces. The sun is in your sign, Scorpio, and as it connects with Neptune in Pisces today, things just seem to click! It’s a lovely time to enjoy your fantasies.


You’re in a nostalgic mood as the moon moves through Pisces. You may feel like simply being cozy at home today. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, bringing a dreamy atmosphere that’s lovely for engaging with your spiritual practice.


Your focus is on communication today as the moon enters Pisces…news might come your way! The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring sweet, sensitive connections.


The moon in Pisces lights up the financial sector of your chart, finding you focused on themes like wealth and security. The sun in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces, which bodes well for creativity and abundance.


The moon enters your sign today, Pisces, and it’s a lovely time to sit with—and express—your feelings. The sun in fellow water sign Scorpio connects with your ruling planet Neptune in Pisces, inspiring fun and fantasy!

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