
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, August 2021

Leo and Virgo

The sun in Leo illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your hopes and dreams for the future, marking it a magical time to make wishes, dear Libra! This is also a lovely moment to network and socialize, to join groups and communities that share you hobbies and causes.

As future-oriented as Leo season may be for you, early this month, Saturn urges you to stay focused on the present and set some boundaries in your social life, love life, and creative pursuits. An important meeting or realization about your social life may take place as the sun meets Mercury in Leo on August 1, but some blocks or delays around communication may also take place on this day as Mercury opposes Saturn in Aquarius. The sun also opposes Saturn on August 2, which could put some egos in check, though the day might also be quite gloomy—plan a fun outing for another time.

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On August 3 Venus in Virgo connects with Uranus in Taurus, bringing a powerful energy for liberating yourself from the past and cutting cords. Venus is your ruling planet, and as it moves through earth sign Virgo, you’re feeling shy, but you’re ready to experiment, take a risk, and do something radically different as Venus connects with wildcard Uranus. Also on August 3, Mercury clashes with Uranus, which could bring some unexpected news, especially concerning your investments of time, money, and energy. The sun clashes with Uranus on August 6, stirring up unexpected shifts concerning these themes. Uranus is all about progress, and the sun in Leo finds you focused on your dreams and wishes: As these planets square off, surprising changes may take place!

New friendships arrive with the new moon in Leo on August 8. You may be joining a new group or organization, or exploring a new hobby or passion. Leo rules the heart, and this new moon finds you connecting with yours, recommitting to your passions, dreams, and goals. Take a look at the relationships, projects, and situations in your life: If you don’t truly care about them, why are you there? It’s not enough to do something just to make someone else happy or live up to someone else’s expectations; you need to want it for yourself, too.

Your ruling planet Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces on August 9, which could bring a weepy, sensitive atmosphere. You might be frustrated that people are underestimating you, or that expectations of you are unfairly high—maybe a little of both! Either way, it’s time for you and your partners to get real about the expectations in your relationships. As sensitive as people may be at this time, there’s also a potent energy for creativity: Engage with art, make time to dance, and enjoy music. If you can take a break from work and enjoy a little escape, do so.

Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on August 10, inspiring deep conversations, but do watch out for exaggerations. Communication planet Mercury enters Virgo on August 11, putting you in an introspective mood, connecting with your intuition. Some secrets may be shared at this time! Make time to relax; your mind needs a rest. 

Also on August 11, your ruling planet Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn: This is a powerful moment for deep, emotional bonding, to let someone in. The mood is especially passionate and sensual! Venus enters your sign, Libra, on August 16. Venus is at home in your sign, and you’re feeling like yourself: charming and attractive! It’s a wonderful time to make introductions and reconnect with people. Venus is the planet of beauty, making it a fun moment to enjoy a makeover or update your wardrobe. In your relationships, the mood is light and effortless, and you’re having an easy time asking for what you want. 

Mercury meets Mars in Virgo on August 18, revving up your imagination—you may have some especially interesting dreams at this time! There’s a busy energy in the air, but it may be time for you to take a break and not add even more items to your already long to-do list.

On August 19, the sun opposes Jupiter, urging you to have fun with friends! A celebratory mood is in the air—an important project or goal may be completed, and a juicy climax may take place in your love life. Also on August 19, Uranus begins its retrograde, perhaps bringing some surprising conversations about money. A helpful connection between Mercury and Uranus takes place on August 20, helping you sort out any bumps in the road regarding finances, especially things like debts, taxes, inheritances, or shared resources. 

August 22 brings the full moon in Aquarius and a tremendous culmination to a situation that’s been brewing in your social life. You may be leaving a friend group behind or coming to an important compromise within a group or organization. A big dream might be achieved at this moment. Virgo season also begins on August 22! The sun in Virgo calls you to slow down, catch up on rest, and get some quality me-time. It’s a fantastic time to enjoy a private retreat. Mars connects with Uranus on this day, too, helping you cut ties with the past. An unexpected opportunity for closure may come. 

Venus and Saturn connect on August 23, helping you make solid plans for the future. Venus is the planet of values, and Saturn the planet of responsibility: As they connect, you’re raising your standards and setting boundaries. Watch out for miscommunications, especially about scheduling on August 24 as Mercury opposes Neptune. A stronger energy for communication arrives on August 26 as Mercury connects with Pluto. Your intuition will be especially strong at this time! You’re feeling sharp and curious as Mercury enters your sign, Libra, on August 30. You’d been mulling over many things as Mercury moved through Virgo, but now that the messenger planet is in your sign, you may decide to discuss these issues. 

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in September!