This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Being pregnant doesn't sound like much fun. You get huge, everything hurts, it's hard to walk upstairs, and you can't drink gin. I don't even want to go into the whole giving birth thing, because that seems like a real struggle. However,

Being pregnant doesn't sound like much fun. You get huge, everything hurts, it's hard to walk upstairs, and you can't drink gin. I don't even want to go into the whole giving birth thing, because that seems like a real struggle. However,


is a pretty good band name. Daniel Trudeau makes mutant pop sound-collages using samples, his vocals, and his own instrumentation. Every track I've heard sounds completely different so don't expect what's below to reflect his output, though it is my personal favorite. The

Liquidation on Swans

tape is out on Life's Blood now and forthcoming is the

Ike Wimin

12" on KDVS Recordings. Pregnant - "Liquidation on Swans"