
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Virgo!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

This is a busy season for you, dear Virgo, as the sun in Scorpio lights up the communication sector of your chart. You’re moving forward with conversations and plans that were delayed or revised during last month’s retrograde as Mercury in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1 and squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2. Mercury and Jupiter’s connection finds you thinking back to September 20 and October 3, while Mercury and Pluto’s face off brings you back to September 22 and October 1. Mercury in Libra found you having conversations about finances, and its connection with Jupiter bodes well for productivity, brainstorming, and accessing resources. Mercury’s clash with Pluto could be especially revealing! This is a powerful time for research, and some intense conversations take place. 


A new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4, and the sun also opposes Uranus. New moons symbolize new beginnings, and this one begins a new conversation. A new way of thinking or talking about things may be implemented, and an important message could come your way. Make time to quiet your busy mind by meditating and catching up on rest. Maybe step away from screens. Let yourself reconnect with your inner voice, and connect with those around you without distractions. You might reconnect with a sibling if you have one, or with a new neighbor. The sun’s opposition to Uranus brings unexpected news. 

Venus enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on November 5, bringing blessings to the romance and creativity sector of your chart! It’s a fantastic time to flirt with a new crush or strengthen romantic bonds in your established relationships. This is a lovely opportunity to show your appreciation through sensual connection and gifts—and it’s generally a great moment to have fun! You work hard, and you should party hard, too, dear Virgo. Venus in Capricorn encourages you to indulge in the finest things that life has to offer. Your ruling planet Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5, boosting communication and your mental acuity, and inspiring you to do deep research. Mercury connects with Venus on November 6, bringing a busy, flirtatious, fun atmosphere that’s fantastic for connecting with friends or sending a love letter.


Mercury and Mars meet in Scorpio, creating an intense energy around communication: You might be speaking your mind about something important, or crucial information may be revealed—but there could be some scheduling difficulty as Mercury and Mars squares off with Saturn in Aquarius, all on November 10.

A much more easygoing energy flows on November 12 as the sun connects with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. This is a lovely moment to connect with your partners, as egos are out of the way. Surprising conversations take place on November 13 as Mercury opposes Uranus. Big ideas are shared on November 15 as the sun squares off with Jupiter, but do watch out for exaggerations. Helping you parse fact and fantasy is the sun’s connection with Pluto on November 16. Passion is high at this time, and you may connect with powerful, exciting people. Unexpected arguments could pop up on November 18 as Mars opposes Uranus, but Mercury mingles with Neptune on November 18, inspiring unity and understanding.

The lunar eclipse in fellow earth sign Taurus arrives on November 19, inspiring a profound philosophical breakthrough. Information may be revealed, and once you know what you learn, there’s no going back. Eclipses tend to draw major dividing lines between what was and where we are now, so a new point of view could mean a whole new life for you, Virgo! This is also a pivotal time if you are in school, traveling, or publishing something. The messages you are trying to share have an especially strong impact at this time. Venus connects with Uranus, adding a dash of adventure, creativity, and romance to this day. Unexpected fun arrives!

Try not to over-schedule yourself as Mercury squares off with Jupiter on November 20: This is an exciting time to network and brainstorm, but keep your plans flexible and avoid making any promises just yet. Communication is sharper on November 21 as Mercury connects with Pluto and you may have a better idea of what you want and how to get it. Also on November 21, the sun enters Sagittarius, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart. It’s a wonderful time to get cozy, entertain your loved ones, and reconnect with friends and family, especially as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. An important realization about the past or themes concerning privacy, security, and your personal life takes place on November 28 as the sun meets Mercury. 

Action planet Mars connects with dreamy Neptune on November 29, an exciting time to connect with your partners. Inspiring conversations take place, and it’s a beautiful opportunity to learn more about each other’s dreams and goals. On November 30, Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn inspires support, especially as you tackle your to-do list, and Venus and Neptune’s connection bodes well for romance and indulging in pleasure. Enjoy!

Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in December!