
Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Pisces!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in fellow water sign Scorpio lights up an adventurous sector of your chart, finding you excitedly exploring new opportunities and embracing change!

Scorpio is all about transformation, and you’re ready to make some big shifts in your life. This is an exciting time for travel and even publishing! Communication planet Mercury is in Libra, and as it connects with Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1, you’re having conversations with inspiring people, perhaps connecting with folks who would like to invest in you. You may be thinking back to conversations that took place on September 20 and October 3 at this time. You’re also thinking back to September 22 and October 1 as Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2. While Mercury’s connection with Jupiter finds you feeling optimistic and looking at the big picture, Mercury’s clash with Pluto finds you discussing some things in secret, doing important research, and asking questions. 


You’re exploring new places and ideas with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4: You may be traveling somewhere or embarking on a new course of study. You could be on your way to publishing something important or invited to share your ideas in an important, impactful way. The sun opposes Uranus in Taurus during this new moon also, bringing some surprising news or finding you switching up your plans.

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, which bodes well for your social life! You’re feeling especially charming and popular, and it’s a great time to network. This a lovely moment to meet your lover’s friends and to introduce them to yours, and to connect with your partners on an intellectual level. Mercury enters Scorpio also on November 5, putting you in an especially philosophical mood, and you may be engaged in some deep and inspiring conversations that last late into the evening as Mercury connects with Venus on November 6. 

Straightforward communications take place as Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio on November 10, but things might be moving slower than you’d like as Mercury and Mars square off with Saturn in Aquarius on this day. This energy is best used for long-term planning, reorganizing responsibilities, and trimming extraneous tasks, complications, and energy-drains from your life. The mood may be grumpy, impatient, or pessimistic, but things lighten up as the sun connects with your ruling planet Neptune in your sign on November 12, bringing a unifying atmosphere and creative breakthroughs. This is a powerful day to explore your spirituality, to meditate and connect with your inner voice.


Surprising news comes your way on November 13 as Mercury opposes Uranus, and a tendency to over-do things may be heightened by the sun squaring off with Jupiter on November 15. Make a point to slow down and rest, little fish! The sun makes a helpful connection with Pluto on November 16, which could find you connecting with influential people. Mars opposes Uranus on November 17, and you’re getting into an unexpected disagreement or abruptly ending a conversation. You may find yourself wanting to make a clean break from a situation. You do not want to be crowded at this time. The energy is way more relaxed on November 18 as Mercury makes a harmonious connection with Neptune; it’s is a lovely time to talk about your feelings and fantasies.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 19, bringing an incredible reveal! A eureka moment can change everything, and a conversation that has been building reaches an important climax. Eclipses have an energy of finality about them, and an important release may take place at this time—but on the other side of letting go, there is a new beginning! This eclipse may coincide with a shift in how you think or communicate, and an exciting conversation is beginning! This eclipse can find you connecting with a sibling or neighbor on a deep level, and highlights a shift in your commute or local neighborhood. Unexpected fun takes place during this eclipse as Venus makes a harmonious connection with Uranus: You may run into someone special, receive unexpected good news, or simply enjoy some novelty and excitement! 

Mercury squares off with your ruling planet Jupiter on November 20 and you have many opportunities to consider, which might be both very exciting and overwhelming! Take your time and ask questions; you’ll likely want to do more research as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 21. The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation, finding you focused on achieving your goals, and perhaps bringing you some awards or recognition for your hard work! Communication about your career, reputation, or your life in public kicks up as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, and important conversations take place on November 28 as the sun meets Mercury.

Mars connects with your ruling planet Neptune on November 29, finding you courageously moving forward with an endeavor you may have been insecure about pursuing. On November 30, Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn: Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn bodes well for setting boundaries and sorting out responsibilities, while Venus and Neptune’s connection inspires glamour, romance, and social connections!

Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in December!