This story is over 5 years old.


Future Sex Live: Submit Your Sexts for Sexy Prizes

Next Saturday, September the 22 at 7:00 pm, I’ll be speaking on the future of sex and technology at the Et cetera festival at Public Assembly in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

For my weekly column “Future Sex,” I’ve covered all manner of sex and technology-related topics. I’ve explored ways to sext, the porn trolls who’ve exploited sexting for financial gain, the repercussions of hacking your significant other’s cellphone or email, along with Internet porn, female sexual dysfunction, videogame culture and more.

Next Saturday, September the 22 at 7:00 pm, I’ll be speaking on the future of sex and technology at the Et cetera festival at Public Assembly in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I’ll be speaking with sex researcher and lecturer Laura G. Duncan. We’ve collaborated to put together Future Sex: Where’s My Robot Girlfriend, a presentation that explores the world of sexual robotics, teledildonics, pornography and carnal technology. We’ll discuss and demonstrate how technology is changing our bodies, relationships and sex lives culling examples from science fiction, the medical sciences, pornography, and both fictional and real world sexual technology projects.

The event will feature live dramatic readings of submitted sexy correspondence. Please email a transcript of any sexts, gchat, facebookchats, skype conversations, etc. to for a chance to win an amazing workshop from Williamsburg’s own shop of sexy wonders, Shag Brooklyn. All submissions will remain anonymous. We’ll be exploring the humor and drama of technological communication with the help of some special guests!

Follow Kelly Bourdet on Twitter: @kellybourdet.