
A Man Finally Had His 130-Pound Tumor Removed After Doctors Told Him It Was ‘Just Fat’

When Roger Logan first started noticing an odd growth on his lower stomach about 15 years ago, he went to his doctor in Gulfport, Mississippi. The doctor took a look, told Logan that the growth was “just fat,” and sent him home, according to the Bakersfield Californian.

But it wasn’t just fat—it was a benign tumor, and it was growing. Over the years, the growth continued to swell, until it was so large that Logan was essentially confined to an armchair. It got to the point where he could no longer run his antique shop or his family farm. Logan then consulted a specialist in Indianapolis, who told him that he would likely need surgery to remove the growth, but it was very risky and there was a 50 percent chance he could die.

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After an attempt at surgery failed about a year ago, Logan was so despondent that he stopped eating and drinking water and wound up in the hospital for liver failure and dehydration. That’s when Logan’s wife, Kitty, started searching for doctors to remove the tumor. “She just kept pushing. She wouldn’t let me quit,” Logan told the Californian

Finally, Kitty found a doctor in California—Dr. Vipul Dev—who had performed similar surgeries in the past, and Dev agreed to operate on Logan. All the Logans had to do next was figure out how to transport Roger 2,000 miles across the country to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. Though a member of their church offered a small private plane, Logan opted to travel in the back of a cargo van with his armchair and an ottoman bolted to the floor. 

Finally, Logan went under the knife last week, and Dev was able to successfully remove the 130-pound tumor that had plagued Logan’s life for over a decade.

Dev said that the tumor probably started as an ingrown hair that became infected, and as it grew, it eventually developed its own blood supply. It became so large that it would drag between Logan’s legs, and he was unable to walk. 

“I used to equate it, you just put a strap around your neck and carry three bags of cement around with you all day long, just swinging,” Logan told CBS affiliate KBAK

Logan will recover for two weeks in the hospital before returning home to Mississippi, where he will be able to walk, fish, and run his businesses once again. As for the armchair, Logan reportedly plans on getting rid of it as soon as possible.