A Tiny “Everything Charger” Has Got Your Devices Covered

Your device addiction is about to get a lot more stable thanks to a tiny purple cylinder that charges any device you can think of. Three USB ports, three cords, and eight snap-on connectors make the Zolt Laptop Charger Plus more like an everything charger that fits easily in a pocket. Measuring 3.66 inches long by 1.33 inches in diameter, and weighing .22 pounds, you could throw this thing at someone and it would barely hurt, whereas the transformer brick in normal laptop chargers could probably crush a skull.

“Zolt solves several problems,” says head of global marketing Steven Gibson. In true engineer’s fashion, he responded to my question with a list of bullet points. “Zolt replaces the traditionally heavy and unwieldy bricks that come with most of today’s laptops (smaller, lighter is always better). Frees consumers from having to worry about whether they have the right charger for the right device. Frees users from having to keep track of multiple chargers. Lightens their load (great for travel) by only needing one charger for all the devices you carry. Beautiful, thoughtful industrial design and features that are in keeping with today’s sleek and lightweight devices (laptops, Ultrabooks, mobile phones, tablets, etc.).”

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There’s the best thing about the charger: you only need one for your phone, laptop, tablet, or anything else with a USB charger, and the detailed design additions like a rotating A/C plug anticipate problems before they manifest. Adds Gibson when I ask him about the company’s goals, “Have we succeeded? YES.”

Check out Zolt below:

Zolt is designed by the Avogy electronics company, and is available for pre-order now for $99.99. You can read more about the specs on the website


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