
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, August 2022


The sun in Leo illuminates a very private sector of your chart, dear Virgo: You may be in the mood to get away from your everyday routines and responsibilities. This is a lovely time for a quiet retreat someplace peaceful and secluded, and to catch up on rest! You may feel inspired to connect with your spirituality at this time. Secrets might be shared. It’s a powerful moment to connect with your inner voice and explore your psyche. Emotional breakthroughs can take place, especially if you can sit with feelings you’ve been avoiding, or too busy to connect with.

Action planet Mars meets wildcard Uranus in fellow earth sign Taurus on August 1, which can find you embarking on a wild new adventure unlike any you’ve ever experienced! You could be learning about something that radically alters your world view. You might visit a new place that changes your perspective.

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Your social life can be particularly exciting as Venus in Cancer connects with Uranus and Mars in Taurus on August 2. Chance meetings could take place. You may connect with people who are particularly energizing and productive. Great progress can take place toward a goal, it’s an excellent time for teamwork. Your ruling planet Mercury enters your sign, Virgo, on August 4, which can find you feeling especially witty and expressive. Conversations run more smoothly or swiftly. Venus connects with Neptune in Pisces and Mars squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on August 7: The mood is especially whimsical and romantic, but your schedule might hit some obstacles as more items appear on your to-do list. Set clear boundaries around your availability.

Big changes may take place in your love life and social life as Venus opposes Pluto in Capricorn on August 9. Pluto is the planet of power, and control issues may surface. Difficult feelings like envy and greed could come to the fore. If you’re feeling controlled or manipulated, you may be addressing the situation at this time. You don’t have to do it alone; call in the help of a qualified counselor! Friendships, creative collaborations, and romantic relationships built on trust and respect can also experience some intensity, but incredible transformations can take place.

The full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, which may find you wrapping up a big project. Your time at a gig may be coming to an end. It’s also a powerful moment for kicking an old habit and generally switching up your routine. Our schedules can feel supportive and grounding, but they can also feel limiting: As the sun squares off with Uranus during this full moon, you’re especially eager to break free from limiting circumstances. You may be craving adventure. Virgos are typically organized, but you might want to rip your itinerary in shreds and just do whatever you’d like, whenever!

Venus also enters Leo during this full moon, which can find you valuing the quiet, private time you share with your lovers away from prying eyes: A romantic getaway may be in order! Your sleep is also a priority; Venus in Leo encourages you to nap like a lion. Upgrade your loungewear and bedroom routine. Mars mingles with Neptune during this full moon, inspiring creativity and compassion, and perhaps finding you connecting with someone particularly energizing and inspiring. 

You’re setting firm boundaries around your time and availability on August 14 as the sun opposes Saturn. It’s unlike you to slack off at work, but if you have been, this could be a particularly stressful moment! Responsibility is a big theme right now—not just to your job, but also to yourself: Are you getting enough rest? How are you taking care of yourself? Finding a balance between wellness, relaxation, and taking care of your responsibilities is a big theme at this time. Virgos are famously helpful to others: Maybe you could tap a friend to return the favor? Reach out for help if you need it! Helping you power through your day is action planet Mars’s connection with Pluto, also on August 14: A hugely passionate meeting or creative breakthrough may take place! 

Exciting conversations and social connections arrive as Mercury connects with Uranus on August 16, and Venus connects with Jupiter in Aries on August 18, which can find you feeling free and open-hearted! This is a dynamic period for connection: People are particularly interested in investing in you and your work, and you’re exploring novel approaches to reach your goals. Action planet Mars enters Gemini on August 20, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career and finding you pursuing a new goal or winning reward or recognition of some kind! Communication slows down as Mercury opposes Neptune on August 21. People can be particularly sensitive at this time, and imaginations may run wild. If you’re having an important conversation with a partner (in love, business, or creative collaboration) at this time, you’d both be wise to be mindful about projections and assumptions, and find ways to stay grounded.

Your ruling planet Mercury mingles with Pluto on August 22, inspiring a productive atmosphere for discussion, research, and organization. Secrets can be shared, hidden places explored. An invitation someplace VIP may come your way.

The sun enters Virgo on August 22: Happy solar return! Your birthday season can find you feeling renewed with life and purpose, and it’s also a time for celebration and fun. Spend time with the people you love most, dear Virgo! Uranus begins its retrograde in Taurus on August 24, which can find you researching trips to places faraway and totally different from your usual surroundings. Or you may be diving into an unusual area of study! A novel idea can bring a philosophical breakthrough. Mercury enters Libra on August 26, kicking up conversations about your money or belongings, and more generally about themes like security and comfort. Paperwork regarding finances can be taken care of at this time. 

A new moon in your sign arrives on August 27, Virgo! You may be trying out a new look and giving yourself a makeover at this time. Emotionally, this can be a period of rediscovery as you reconnect with what’s important to you. A new understanding of yourself can also find you approaching your relationships in a new way, especially as Venus squares off with Uranus, finding you eager to explore your fantasies. You might feel like you need a change of scenery!

This new moon also finds the sun also squaring off with Mars, which could find you making an important decision about your career and actions toward achieving your goals. Venus opposes Saturn on August 28, which could find you setting important boundaries around your availability: Virgos are famously one of the hardest working zodiac signs, but Venus in Leo might find you realizing just how important it is to rest and find healthy ways to regularly unplug from your busy life. As Venus opposes Saturn, the planet of boundaries, you may be setting important limits on your time and energy.

Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in September!