Two hearts overlapping with sparkles in between to show compatibility
Illustration by Shannon Levin

Astrological Compatibility Between Every Zodiac Sign

Your comprehensive guide to relationship compatibility between every pairing of horoscope signs.

In the zodiac, certain signs relate to others. They can share the same element or create harmonious angles together. They can share characteristics, philosophies, or world views. Astrological compatibility comes from comparing the signs to one another and applying those insights to psychology.

Astrology enthusiasts know that compatibility is more nuanced than one sign versus another, and it doesn’t take a skeptic to understand that most of the time, people elect who they want to spend time with. It’s up to individuals to pursue their destiny! Although certain zodiac signs do—or don’t!—share things in common, relationships play out in their own special way. Compatibility comes down to maturity, communication, and chemistry.


While astrology isn’t the end-all perspective on these themes, it is still a very useful tool to learn more about yourself and others, and to open the door to conversations. Relationships take on many different forms, and no matter what level of intimacy you share with someone, astrology can show potential for how to navigate conflicts or enjoy others’ company to the fullest.

These are the VICE astrology team’s takes on compatibility: on you and your partner’s signs, and the archetypes of those unions. (These reports can be applied to platonic, romantic, and professional relationships, too.) We warn against any prescriptive labels that one can find on the web because we all have free will and the entire zodiac lives within us. Even if you think that you have “no planets in that sign,” the entire wheel plays a part in describing our lives!

With each zodiac season, we’ll add another page of compatibility insights with the corresponding sign. This Valentine’s Day, we’re kicking things off with Aquarius, the sign of the water-bearer.

Click the link below to learn more about Aquarius compatibility:

Aquarius Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Click the link below to learn more about Pisces compatibility:

Pisces Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Click the link below to learn more about Aries compatibility:

Aries Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Your comprehensive guide to relationship compatibility between every pairing of horoscope signs. See More →  The Compatibility Report"